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There’s an App for That—The Tools You Need to Supercharge Your Job Search
Hunched over your laptop, you ignore your cramping hand (the result of the copious amounts of note-taking that...
The ‘Identity Transparency’ Conundrum
As I was applying for summer internships this past spring, I had a lot of difficulty determining what...
Find Purpose as a PA: Your Ultimate Career Guide
For people interested in the healthcare field, becoming a physician assistant (PA) could be the perfect way to...
Kamala Harris, the Huntress: Focused, Fearless and Fully in Her Power
In Wendy Weiner’s 2005 play, Hillary: A Modern Greek Tragedy with a (Somewhat) Happy Ending, Hillary Clinton is seen...
Become a home inspector
Are you ready to pursue a career as a home inspector? Or maybe you’d even like to start...
3 Economic Principles You Can Apply to Your Life
Time to rewind back to Economics 101. The beautiful topic of Economics is based on the principal of...